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Day 2

Images of second day (for assignments see below images)

presenting results of groups

with an attentive group listening

some results need a closer look

results of another group

Assignments for day three

1. study pdf-document: 1_Dacum for Wireless communication...pdf
2. for your reference we have provided you with document 2_first year course book.doc
3. Now open document 3_Dacum Research chart...doc

This is a first draft for the dacum FTE mobile communications technician.

Try to fill in at least two tasks and two additional duties in the Dacum document by comparing your course book (possibly your lecture) and the draft DACUM...

If you are not familiar with mobile communications you may also use any other job description (you can change the DACUM chart as you wish)..

The additional DACUM GIS technician is about Geo Information services. It is only provided for your reference.

Good luck


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